When you are working with 4,000 volts, what
class of rubber gloves should you wear?
1. I
2. II
3. III
1-65. What is the important additional safety
requirement for measuring voltage above 300
volts on energized equipment?
1. You must wear rubber gloves
2. You must wear safety shoes
3. You must stand on rubber matting
4. You must not hold the test probe
1-66. How should you discharge high-voltage
capacitors on energized equipment?
1. With a shorting probe
2. With a grounding clip
3. With both a shorting probe and a
grounding clip
4. With a measuring device
1-67. Which of the following terms is associated
with the inadvertent destruction of delicate
electronic components?
1. AC
2. IC
3. ESD
4. MDS
1-68. Although many sources of electrostatic charge
are of little consequence during most daily
activities, they become extremely important
when you work with ESD material.
1. True
2. False
1-69. What are the two electromagnetic radiation
hazards with which you will be primarily
concerned on the job?
1. Commercial power and television
2. X-rays and electrical stations
3. Radio-frequencies and lasers
4. Voltage storage plants and commercial
1-70. An RF radiation burn is a result of which of
the following factors?
1. Voltage flowing through the body
2. Current flowing through the body
3. The body not being grounded properly
4. A lead shield not being worn properly
1-71. Which of the following definitions best
describes a laser?
1. A concentrated light
2. A concentrated beam of optical radiation
3. A high-intensity light wave
4. A low-intensity light wave
1-72. Which of the following publications should
you refer to for information on using lasers for
shipboard operations?
1. OPNAVINST 4790.4
2. OPNAVINST 5100.19
3. OPNAVINST 5100.23
4. OPNAVINST 5100.25
1-73. What is the purpose of the tag-out bill?
1. To identify equipment changes
2. To report field change failures
3. To save lives and to prevent unnecessary
damage to equipment
4. To prevent the energizing of equipment
without the knowledge of damage control
1-74. Which of the following situations require(s)
you to tag out the equipment?
1. Working aloft or over the side
2. Doing preventive maintenance
3. Doing corrective maintenance
4. All of the above
1-75. Which of the following officers is responsible
for the safety of a ships personnel and the
operational readiness of its equipment?
1. Commanding officer
2. Executive officer
3. Safety officer
4. Command duty officer