2-25. Which of the following solvents will NOT
ignite at a relatively low temperature?
1. Varnishes
2. Lacquers
3. Water-based cleaning fluids
4. Paints
2-26. When you are using hazardous paints or
solvents, which of the following safety
precautions should you follow?
1. Have a repair team standing by
2. Have fire-fighting equipment near by
3. Dispose of paints and solvents when you
no longer need them
4. Both 2 and 3 above
2-27. When you use aerosol containers, which of the
following basic safety rules should you
1. Keep them away from heat sources
2. If their contents are paint or solvents, do
not spray them on your skin
3. Never dent or puncture them
4. All of the above
2-28. Which of the following is a favorable property
of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)?
1. High heat capacity
2. High flammability
3. High vapor pressure
4. High electrical conductivity
2-29. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are used for
which of the following purposes?
1. As insulators in electrical equipment
2. As coolants in electrical equipment
3. As fluid in a totally enclosed heat transfer
4. All of the above
2-30. What NAVSEA publication is a management
guide for PCBs?
1. S9593-A1-MAN-010
2. S9593-A2-MAN-010
3. S9593-A1-MAN-020
4. S9593-A2-MAN-020
2-31. A battery is a group of cells that provides
which of the following types of electrical
1. Direct current only
2. Alternating current only
3. Direct and alternating current
4. Direct or alternating current
2-32. What is the difference between the
carbon-zinc battery and the
manganese-dioxide alkaline battery?
1. The outer container
2. The inner container
3. The electrolyte used
4. The carbon-centered electrode
2-33. Which of the following batteries can best be
described as a high-energy, long-lasting
battery with a longer shelf life than most other
1. Lithium
2. Nickel-cadmium
3. Carbon-zinc
4. Manganese-dioxide alkaline
2-34. Which of the following safety precautions
does NOT apply to lithium batteries?
1. Always observe polarity when you install
2. Always leave them in equipment for long
periods to protect them
3. Never throw them away in daily trash
4. Use only the batteries that are approved for
use in your equipment
2-35. Which of the following types of batteries is
used mostly in cordless, rechargeable
1. Alkaline
2. Lithium
4. Carbon
2-36. Which of the following types of batteries
should always be charged in series, never in
2. Lithium
3. Carbon zinc
4. Manganese dioxide