ASSIGNMENT 5Textbook Assignment: “Central Processing Units and Buses,” chapter 5, pages 5-13 through 5-23.5 - 15-25-35-4The interrupt that occurs with the actual event thatcaused the interrupt is (a) what type and (b) whatwill be the status of the condition of the process orprogram after the interrupt is processed?1. (a) Asynchronous(b) Different conditions will exist2. (a) Asynchronous(b) The exact same conditions will exist3. (a) Synchronous(b) Different conditions will exist4. (a) Synchronous(b) The exact same conditions will existWhat type of interrupt occurs (a) when there is anerror in a peripheral device and (b) when I/Ooperations are terminated?1. (a) External (b) internal2. (a) External (b) external3. (a) Internal (b) internal4. (a) Internal (b) externalIn a microcomputer, an interrupt from an internalhard disk can be masked out by the computer.1. True2. FalseIn microcomputers, which of the followingmethods can be used to direct the processor to theaddress of the interrupt of a maskable interrupt?1. An interrupt code only2. A ROM lookup table only3. A ROM/PROM lookup table only4. An interrupt code and a ROM/PROM lookuptableIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-5 THROUGH 5-11,SELECT FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST THEINTERRUPT CLASS THAT MATCHES THECONDITION OR PRIORITY DESCRIBED IN EACHQUESTION.5-5.5-6.5-7.5-8.5-9.5-10.5-11.5-12.5-13.1. Class I2. Class II3. Class III4. Class IVAn RTC overflow has occurred.An intercomputer timeout has occurred.The highest priority interrupt that can occur in thecomputer.A power out of tolerance has occurred.The computer will execute a power failureprocessing routine.An input chain interrupt has occurred,An illegal op code has been executed in the CPU.Lower level interrupts can be disarmed and/orarmed by software.1. True2. FalseWhich of the following interrupts can usually belocked out by software?1. Power fault2. External interrupt3. CPU instruction fault4. IOC instruction fault interrupt28
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