KCMX will delay the sampling for 300 µsec. If the
enter signal is still false at the completion of this time
period, the KCMX will return a data word of all ONES
to the computer for that address. If at any time during
this delay the enter signal becomes true, the KCMX will
sample the data and gate the data into the computer
input register and transfer it to the computer with an
input data request (IDR). The 12 data bits from
addresses 63-71 will occupy the lower 12 bits of the
computer input word. Address 72 data bits occupy the
entire 30-bit word.
Digital Input Channels and Digital
Output Channels
The KCMX is capable of receiving and transmitting
data over four 30-bit CDS I/O channels (DIC1 through
DIC4 and DOC1 through DOC4). The input channels
are assigned KCMX addresses 73 (DIC1) through 76
(DIC4). The DIC/DOCs (figure 13-11) maybe used for
input only devices, output only devices, or a DIC/DOC
pair (DIC1/DOC1, DIC2/DOC2, and so forth), which
can communicate with an I/O device.
The KCMX DIC/DOCs allow the computer
controlling the KCMX to communicate with four or
more digital devices. The KCMX may function as a
computer or as a peripheral device when
communicating with the external digital devices.
Devices linked by the DIC/DOCs will conform to
standard CDS format 30-bit parallel transfers using
either computer or peripheral control logic signals.
The DIC/DOCs themselves can be manually set to
one of two data transfer formats designated peripheral
(PERIPH) or computer (COMPUTE). (Both types of
transfers involve 30-bit parallel data. Computers
generate function codes, while peripherals generate
interrupts; peripherals generate requests such as output
data requests (ODRs), while computers generate
acknowledgments such as output data acknowledges
(ODAs), and so on.) In the peripheral format, the
KCMX appears as a piece of peripheral equipment to
an external computer. In the computer format, the
KCMX appears to be a computer to the external
peripheral device.
The DIC/DOC interfaces have limitations.
External functions can only be transmitted from the
controlling computer over the DOCs. Interrupts can
only be received by the controlling computer from an
external device over the DICs. Devices connected
using output only or input only configurations may
require a DIC/DOC pair to be connected to allow both
computer control by external function and device
interrupt capabilities. In other words, a single DIC or
DOC hookup loses the external function control
capability (DIC only) or the external interrupt
capability (DOC only).
The cabling for each of the four DOCs is the same as
that of a computer or peripheral output channel. A
manual switch for each DOC selects either peripheral
or computer interfacing for the device connected on that
DOC Computer Operation. The KCMX acts as
an interface between the external device (peripheral)
and the controlling computer. The KCMX accepts data
one word at a time in a buffer from the controlling
computer. Up to the first seven words of the buffered
data may be external function commands for the
external equipment. External function commands sent
by the controlling computer to the KCMX setup the
buffer size (number of data words) and the number of
external function command words in the buffered data.
The KCMX generates the external function signals for
the external function commands setting up the external
equipment and then transmits the remainder of the
buffered words as normal computer output data. A
maximum of 255 computer words (external functions
and data) may be sent by the controlling computer in a
single buffer.
DOC Peripheral Operation. In the DOC
peripheral operation format, the KCMX acts as an
interface between the external device (computer) and
the controlling computer. The data buffer from the
controlling computer is inputted to the external
computer as interrupts or data words. The controlling
computers external function commands define the
number of interrupt words (maximum seven) that
precede the data words in its output buffer.
digital input channels (DICs) are interrogated by the
controlling computer on a regular basis. Each DIC is
assigned an address (DIC1 address 73 through DIC4
address 76). If the data word being received by the
KCMX is not an external interrupt or external function,
the KCMX will wait until the DIC address is
interrogated before sending the data word to the
controlling computer and indicating acceptance of the
word to the external device.