shipboard systems or subsystems to communicate or
interface with the combat direction system (CDS).
Each shipboard tactical data system has at least one
multiplexing data converter. Multiplexing data
converters are, in effect, computer-controlled
multipurpose devices that operate between one or more
digital computers and a number of control, status,
digital, and analog devices located in remote
The individual devices may vary from
each other in design due to technological advances and
equipment improvements. As a group they perform
multiple functions by allowing analog or digital
conversion and communications with a variety of
equipments or subsystems using multiple data forms
(analog, discreet digital, or parallel digital) at the same
time or within a very narrow time period (time division
Several different versions/generations of
multiplexing data converters are currently in use. These
include the Keyset Central Multiplexer (KCMXs)
CV-2036/USQ-20 and CV-3263/USQ-20 and the
Signal Data Converters (SDC) OU-95/UY, CV-2953A,
and the Mark 72 Mod 11/12. Individual capabilities
vary from device to device. Table 13-3 lists the various
converters and compares the range of their capabilities.
The particular converter used with the tactical data
system depends primarily on ship class. KCMXs are
found on the CG or DDG classes and the CV/CVN
aircraft carriers. ICKCMXs are found on the DDG TDS
Table 13-3.Comparison of Multiplexing Data Converters