The KEYSET ERROR pushbutton/indicator is
lighted to indicate that the KCMX is in the keyset error
mode. It maybe manually set to indicate reception of
the computer external function keyset error bit.
CATORS. In the RDUC mode, the pushbutton/
indicators labeled DOC 1, 2, 3, or 4 are lighted when
the buffer function word specifies a DOC transfer
(DOC1-DOC4). The pushbuttons may be used to
simulate a buffer function word DOC input data (ID)
code. Four toggle switches (DOC 4, 3, 2, 1
COMPUTER/PERIPHERAL) are used to manually
select the DOC operational mode.
TORS. In the interrupt indicators (A/B COMPUTER
pushbutton/indicators are lighted when an interrupt
signal is on the computer (A or B) input line. The
buttons may be used to simulate an interrupt condition.
The six interrupt pushbutton/indicators
(INTERRUPTS) are left to right; ILL ADR, EIC, EEC,
DIC REQ, DD, and ID ERR. The pushbuttons for the
interrupt indicators may be used to simulate the
associated interrupt condition.
When an illegal address (octal 00 or 77) is detected
in either the current or final address registers, the ILL
ADR indicator is lighted. The EIC pushbutton/
indicator is lighted to indicate an end-f-input cycle.
The EEC indicator is lighted to indicate when the
KCMX has completed a keyset error transmission. The
DIC REQ indicator is lighted when the digital input
channel request interrupt is active. The DD indicator is
lighted when an enter signal is received from a group 1
keyset and the group is in the interrupt mode. When the
KCMX detects an error in the buffer function word ID
codes, the ID ERR indicator is lighted.
The EOC ENABLE/DISABLE toggle switch is
used to enable or disable the sending of an
end-of-output cycle (EOC) interrupt to the computer.
The indicator above the toggle switch indicates the
detection of an end-of-output cycle condition.
button/indicator is lighted when a computer (A or B) has
been granted control of the KCMX and the KCMX sends
a control acknowledge interrupt to the computer. The
pushbutton may be used to simulate the CA interrupt.
Digital Input Channel (DIC) Logic Panel (A3)
The A3 panel (figure 13-13) contains the registers,
controls, and indicators for monitoring and testing DIC
operations. There are four 30-bit registers labeled DIC
REGISTER. These registers are used to indicate the
status of the bit positions for each channel. In KCMX
operations other than the normal mode, each bit position
may be set manually using the pushbutton/indicator.
Each channel has its own toggle switch for
computer or peripheral mode selection, two TEST
pushbutton/indicators, and an INPUT ACTIVE
pushbutton/indicator. The input active indicators are
lighted when an interrogation for the associated channel
is being performed.
The two TEST pushbutton/indicators for each
channel indicate the status of external functions or
interrupts (EF/INT) and output acknowledges or input
data requests (OA/IDR). The DIC mode selected
determines which of the signals is being displayed. The
DIC computer uses EF and OA, while the DIC
peripheral uses INT and IDR.
The lower portion of the A3 panel contains some
pushbutton/indicators used with DOC operations.
DOC EF/INT is a three-stage counter used to determine
the number of DOC EF or INT words in an output buffer
(maximum of 7). The DATA WORDS counter keeps
track of the number of data words in an output buffer
(maximum of 191).
S/D Converter/Multiplexer Panel (A4)
The controls and indicators for the synchro-to-
digital converter and multiplexer are contained on the
A4 panel (figure 13-13). There are 12 indicating fuses
(F1-F12) for the 12 reference input transformers. An
indicator lights on the fuseholder when the reference
voltage is present and the associated fuse is open.
The TEST indicator lights when the seven-position
SELECTOR switch is in any position other than normal
(NORM). The SELECTOR switch, in any position but
normal generates a simulated single-speed synchro
angle. The following is a summary of the switch
positions and angles: