Textbook Assignment: Planned Maintenance System and Fault Isolation, chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-24; and Liquid-
Cooling Systems: pages 2-1 through 2-19.
1-1. The Planned Maintenance System provides a stan-
dard means for which of the following tasks relative
to complex mechanical, electrical, and electronic
1. Planning
2. Controlling
3. Scheduling
4. All of the above
1-2. The PMS has what total number of shipboard main-
tenance categories?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
1-3. Which of the following elements is a primary in-
gredient of the PMS Program?
1. Ship, shipyard, or system safety scheduling
2. System fault-isolation procedure
3. Redundant tasking eliminations
4. Testing time reduction
1-4. What schedule normally contains the assignment of
specific personnel to perform maintenance on specific
1. Cycle
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. Quarterly
1-5. The Maintenance Data System has what total number
of functions?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
1-6. Integrated maintenance requirements are established
through what type of analysis?
1. PMS
2. Engineering
3. Combat systems
4. Shipboard safety
1-7. Which of the following types of testing is considered
the highest level of testing that can be accomplished
aboard ship?
1. Gun/battery alignment
2. Combat systems
3. Subsystems
4. Equipment
1-8. What is the primary combat systems test tool?
1. SMP
4. PPI X or Y
1-9. To diagnose and effect timely repair of faults within
a fire-control system, you must fully understand fault-
isolation concepts, the fault-isolation tools available
to you, and the capabilities and limitations of those
tools when applied to system fault isolation.
1. True
2. False
1-10. Which of the following characteristics applies to a
fault-isolation tool?
1. It identifies personnel requirements
2. It identifies the proper test equipment
3. It is difficult to operate
4. It is easily implemented