Clinometers are used for measuring inclinations in
the horizontal plane. They are used in naval shipyards
principally to measure inclinations in equipment foun-
dations and equipment roller-path inclinations (RPIs).
All clinometers use a spirit level for indicating the
true horizon and have some means of measuring incli-
nations of the base with respect to the horizon (spirit
Figure 3-9 shows the type of clinometer com-
monly used for making accurate RPI measurements.
The micrometer drum 90° clinometer is read directly
to 1 inch and can be interpolated to within 15 inches
on the drum. The 6-inch-base length makes this type
of clinometer suitable for many uses.
An adjustable base permits reading angles from
zero, even when working surfaces are not perfectly
Figure 3-9.Typical clinometer.
The two types of levels are (1) those that indicate
Alignment sights are used to establish the pointing
entirely by means of graduations on the level vial, and
line of equipment. The pointing line maybe the bore
(2) those adjustable types that are hinged at one end
axis of a gun, the centerline of a torpedo tube, the
and have calibrated micrometer adjustments at the
propagation axis of a radar beam, or some other sim-
other end to extend the range beyond that on the level
ilar line. Accurate alignment is not possible unless the
vial alone.
pointing line is accurately determined. Some align-