Textbook Assignment:
Chapter 1, Fire Controlman Supervisor Responsibilities, pages 1-1 through 1-8.
Chapter 2, Organization, Administration, Inspections, and Maintenance, pages 2-1 to 2-17
Chapter 3, Supervision and Training, pages 3-1 to 3-16.
1-1. Advancement brings not only increased responsi-
bilities but also increased rewards.
1. True
2. False
1-2. As a supervisor, you can find generalized informa-
tion on your increased responsibilities in which of
the following publications?
1. Military Requirements for Petty Officer First
2. Occupational Standards Manual for the FC
3. Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers
4. PQS Manual for the FC Rating
1-3. In your career as an FC supervisor, you will be
valuable in which of the following capacities?
1. Leader only
2. Trainer only
3. Technical specialist only
4. Leader, trainer, and technical specialist
1-4. As a training specialist, you will be required to
conduct which of the following types of training?
1. Formal only
2. Informal only
3. Formal and informal
4. Shipboard
1-5. As a supervisor, what is your overriding responsi-
1. To know your people personally
2. To ensure that your people are promoted
3. To ensure that your people are well trained
4. To take care of your people before taking care
of yourself
Since your decisions as an FC supervisor affect
people outside your rating, it is important that you
understand their
1. career goals
2. personal problems
3. collateral interests
4. duties and responsibilities
Which of the following basic knowledge require-
ments is/are necessary for effective communica-
1. Technical terms only
2. Your own language only
3. Standard naval terminology only
4. Technical terms, your own language, and
standard naval terminology
What is the basic purpose of communications?
1. Empathy
2. Listening
3. Knowledge
4. Understanding
Accuracy and clarity are necessary when com-
municating with which of the following groups of
1. Juniors only
2. Superiors only
3. Juniors and superiors
4. Civilians
Which of the following standards pertain to mili-
tary requirements?
Naval standards
Equipment standards
Occupational standards
Personnel qualification standards