1-11. Which of the following standards are rating spe-
cific and are used to develop training manuals and
rating advancement examinations?
1. Naval standards
2. Equipment standards
3. Occupational standards
4. Personnel qualification standards
1-12. As a supervisor, you may be responsible for your
divisions PQS program. What are some of the
duties within that program?
1. Training personnel within their rating only
2. Identifying personnel who are delinquent in
their job qualifications only
3. Ensuring that enlisted evaluations reflect PQS
accomplishments only
4. Training personnel within their rating, identi-
fying personnel who are delinquent in their
job qualifications, and ensuring that enlisted
evaluations reflect PQS accomplishments
1-13. Which of the following types of publications is/are
based on OCCSTDs?
1. Advancement study guide
2. Advancement handbooks only
3. Training manuals only
4. Advancement handbooks and training man-
1-14. You should be able to provide each person in your
division with detailed information on material for
advancement. To obtain this information, you
should consult which of the following publica-
1. Manual of Qualifications for Advancement
2. Advancement Handbook for the FC Rating
3. Shipboard Training Manual
4. Guide for Enlisted Qualification
1-15. An effective and efficient division organization
has a relatively undefined organizational structure
but has definite policies and procedures.
1. True
2. False
1-16. A sound division organization should have which
of the following qualities?
1. High morale
2. Clear structure
3. Generic policies
4. Good housekeeping
1-17. The basic shipboard administrative and functional
organization is prescribed by which of the follow-
ing publications?
1. OPNAVINST 3120.23
2. OPNAVINST 3120.32
3. SECNAVINST 4790.5
4. SECNAVINST 5215.3
1-18. As the leading FC, you will normally be respon-
sible for which of the following duties?
1. Assisting the combat systems/weapons officer
2. Assisting the engineering officer only
3. Assisting the combat systems/weapons officer
and the engineering officer
4. Supervising the preventive and corrective
maintenance of equipment
1-19. Aboard ship, all personnel are assigned a general
quarters station by the
1. division officer
2. commanding officer
3. combat systems officer
4. division watch, quarter, and station bill
1-20. An FC on the underway watch may leave his as-
signed space only for which of the following rea-
1. To assist in cleaning spaces
2. To check weather bulletins
3. To check a watch bill
4. To handle a casualty
1-21. What is the primary function of the ship manning
1. To ascertain excess personnel
2. To request additional manpower
3. To document manpower requirements
4. To assign billets