1-46. As a supervisor, your primary job is to ensure that
which of the following events occur?
1. Your personnel get liberty
2. Your technical manuals are current
3. Your work center functions smoothly
4. Your maintenance records are completed cor-
rectly and on time
1-47. The requirements that must be met by the super-
visor and maintenance personnel are of which of
the following types?
1. Military only
2. Technical only
3. Military and technical
4. Commercial and technical
1-48. To ensure that work is completed properly and on
time, the supervisor must take which of the fol-
lowing steps?
1. Control the workload only
2. Organize the workload only
3. Delegate as much authority as feasible, but
maintain responsibility only
4. Control and organize the workload, and dele-
gate as much authority as feasible, but main-
tain responsibility
1-49. When should safety be incorporated into a work
1. As soon as a minor injury occurs
2. When it is directed by the safety officer
3. As soon as an unsafe procedure is noticed
4. When the work plan is in the initial stages
1-50. One of the greatest contributions you can make as
a supervisor is revealed by which of the following
1. The development of your people
2. The morale of your work center
3. The number of training programs you sponsor
4. The extracurricular activities of your personnel
1-51. Inadequate training is often due to which of the
following factors?
1. A new supervisor
2. A long sea period
3. An equipment overhaul
4. A large number of new personnel
1-52. One of the supervisors responsibilities is to sup-
port the goals and requirements of
1. upper management only
2. subordinates only
3. peers only
4. upper management, subordinates, and peers
1-53. Loyalty, one of the most important traits a good
supervisor can show, can best be demonstrated by
which of the following actions?
1. Requiring the troops to cover up mistakes
made by shipmates
2. Believing and practicing the maxim loyalty
encourages loyalty
3. Maintaining a buddy-buddy relationship with
the troops
4. Running a very restrictive work center
1-54. Positive thinking is a hallmark of a good leader
who has which of the following characteristics?
1. Shows indifference to change
2. Talks about the way things should be
3. Goes about the work methodically
4. Looks to the future with confidence
1-55. The supervisor who stalls, puts off, evades, or re-
fuses to give a decision is best described by which
of the following terms?
1. A bottleneck
2. A perfectionist
3. A cautious person
4. An organizational impetus
1-56. Which of the following actions is considered an
important feature in furthering cooperation with a
1. Being a yes person to improve your image
2. Being a no person to prove to your boss you
have a mind of your own
3. Being tactful but truthful
4. Being firm and fair