2-21. The CDS is composed of which of the following
major equipment groups?
1. Electronic attack
2. Electronic countermeasures
3. Data display and transmitting
4. Data processing, display, and communica-
2-22. The ACM group has which of the following
major components?
1. Torpedo countermeasures transmitting set
2. Electronic countermeasures set
3. Data-processing display
4. Blanker-video mixer
2-23. To employ against an air threat that has pene-
trated the ships primary defense envelope, what
would normally be the primary choice of weapon
1. MK-92 fire-control subsystem
2. Close-in weapons subsystem
3. Harpoon subsystem
4. Chaff
2-24. The missile/gun weapons subsystem onboard an
FFG 7-class ship supports which of the following
1. AAW, ASUW, and ASW
2. ASW, ASUW, and ASM
3. ASM, ASf, and AAW
4. ASW, ASM, and AST
2-25. What is the primary missile used against a sur-
face threat?
1. SM1
2. Harm
3. Harrier
4. Harpoon
2-26. The combat systems test and evaluation program
has what total number of basic purposes?
1. One
2 . T w o
3. Three
4. Four
2-27. What are the specific objectives of the CSTEP?
1. Maintenance and administration
2. Overhaul planning, combat readiness, and
personnel planning
3. Overhaul planning, overhaul, and administra-
4. Maintenance, overhaul planning, overhaul,
post-overhaul, and combat readiness
2-28. Which of the following specific actions may be
taken by a group commanders combat systems
coordinating support team?
1. Assisting in conducting OCSOT
2. Evaluating the ships self-defense force
3. Evaluating the ships electronic readiness
4. Instructing personnel in equipment mainte-
2-29. The purpose of the NAVSEACEN is to provide
the assistance necessary to further self-reliance of
the ship by improving which of the following ele-
1. Operational readiness of installed ordnance
2. Identification of ship encounters
3. Pre-overhaul assessments
4. Equipment maintenance
2-30. The combat systems readiness review is essential
to the ship for which of the following reasons?
1. To assist in correcting material problems
2. To evaluate the SERTs effectiveness
3. To review the combat systems administrative
4. To assist in the combat systems pre-overhaul
2-31. Ordnance equipment includes which of the fol-
lowing systems?
1. Gun battery only
2. Underwater battery only
3. Gunfire control only
4. Gun battery, underwater battery, and gunfire