Textbook Assignment: Chapter 3,
Supervision and Training, pages 3-17 to 3-25.
Chapter 4, Combat Systems, Subsystems, and Maintenance, pages 4-1 to 4-24.
Chapter 5, Weapons Exercises, pages 5-1 to 5-7.
2-1. Which of the following types of formal off-site
training is usually more expensive to the govern-
ment but is often the only source of training
1. Class A schools
2. Class C schools
3. Factory schools
4. Fleet schools
2-2. When you are giving extra training for new FCs,
which of the following methods may you use?
1. Personnel qualification standards
2. Formal shipboard training
3. On-the-job training
4. All the above
2-3. Which of the following statements is characteris-
tic of on-the-job training?
1. It requires the greatest amount of advance
2. It can be used almost any time a supervisor
3. It is the most time consuming
4. It is the most difficult way to train
2-4. To maintain a successful PQS program, which of
the following procedures should be carried out by
an FC supervisor?
1. Monitor individual qualification progress
2. Establish realistic individual qualification
goals and time limits
3. Establish a program to prepare work-center
supervisors as PQS qualifiers
4. All the above
2-5. When you are preparing for a formal training ses-
sion, which of the following factors should you
1. Class size and location
2. Class schedule and subject
3. Class length and achievement
4. Class lesson plans and schedule
2-6. What are the two primary methods of measuring
class achievement?
1. Written tests and performance tests
2. Attention and participation
3. Morale and esprit de corps
4. Attendance and interest
2-7. You should never take which of the following ac-
tions in a formal training session?
1. Talk down to the class
2. Talk in a lilting voice
3. Make friends with students
4. Plan class social activities
2-8. As a basis for your training program, you may
use which of the following standards?
1. Occupational standards only
2. Naval standards only
3. Occupational standards and naval standards
4. Equipment standards
2-9. What is the only justification for a record of
1. It provides continuity to the training program
by indicating what training has been done
2. It makes the supervisor look like he is doing
his job
3. It aids in morale within the work group
4. It promotes cohesiveness among personnel