Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the
1. Describe the purpose of battery alignment.
2. Identify the primary equipment used in battery alignment.
3. Identify the alignment considerations needed for an accurate
battery alignment.
Alignment afloat refers to alignment operations
Combat systems alignment (gun/battery align-
ment) is the process of adjusting all the elements of a
weapons system (including all gun bores, missile
launchers, fire-control directors, radar antennas, and
optics) to common reference points, lines, and planes,
and maintaining them in this relationship. Battery
alignment is a critical factor in the fighting effective-
ness of any combat ship. Without proper battery
alignment, the data exchanges between elements of
the weapons systems would be in error.
The battery alignment of a ship is accomplished
by two distinct proceduresoriginal alignment (dry-
dock alignment) and alignment afloat. Original align-
ment is the initial alignment made in a fire-control
and weapons system at the time of original construc-
tion and installation. Original alignment is also per-
formed when a new or modified major weapons
system is installed. A check of this alignment is made
when the ship is in dry dock.
performed while the ship is in the water. Alignment
afloat requires standards of accuracy just as high as
those of the original alignment, with the primary
difference being that alignment afloat is performed by
combat systems department personnel with equipment
available on the ship.
As a Fire Controlman, you must be able to cor-
rectly apply battery alignments. For more information
on this topic, refer to the alignment procedures for
your class of ship.
Battery alignment is based on the concepts of
parallel lines, parallel planes, and a geometric coordi-
nate system. Parallel lines are those lines in the same
plane that, when extended indefinitely, do not inter-
sect. Parallel planes are those planes that do not
intersect. A geometric coordinate system provides a