Tactical data links are usually limited to a specific area of operation and are used
for command and control of specific forces. Link-11 is the U.S. Navy shipboard
version of NATOs Tactical Data Information Link A (TADIL A). The Link-11
system is used to provide high-speed, computer-to-computer exchange of digital
tactical information among ships, aircraft, and shore installations, as shown in figure
Figure 2-1.Tactical digital information links.
Link-11 data communications can operate with either high-frequency (HF) or
ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radios.
In the HF band, Link-11 provides gapless
omnidirectional coverage of up to 300 nautical miles from the transmitting site. In
the UHF band, the Link-11 system is capable of line-of-sight omnidirectional
coverage, approximately 25 nautical miles between ships and 150 nautical miles for
ship-to-air links.
To understand the operation of the Link-11 system fully, you must be able to
identify the hardware components that compose it and the functions they perform.
Keep in mind that although the specific equipment used on board your ship may
differ from the examples used in this chapter, the purpose of your Link-11 setup is
still the same, that is, to pass tactical data to other units.