Small Boat Engineer
following paragraphs we will describe these
Firemen, Enginemen, or Machinists Mates
from the A division are detailed as boat engineers.
Boat engineers operate, clean, and inspect the
section of the boats assigned to them. Boat
engines are repaired by Enginemen.
When a ship is at anchor, the officers and crew
usually travel to and from the shore in small
boats. As a Fireman, you may be assigned as an
engineer on one of these boats. You will be
responsible for operating the boats engine(s).
A coxswain will be in charge of the overall
operation of the boat. On some boats, two seamen
may act as bow and stern hooks, or one seaman
may act as bowhook and the engineer may act as
For additional information on small boats and
boat safety, refer to Basic Military Requirements,
NAVEDTRA 10054-F, and Seaman, NAVED-
TRA 10120-J.
In general, the engineering department ratings
require (1) an aptitude for mechanical knowledge,
(2) a degree of skill in mathematics and physics,
and (3) some experience in repair work. A
knowledge of mechanical drawing is also
desirable. Training manuals (TRAMANs) and
nonresident training courses (NRTCs) covering
many aspects of basic engineering are available
to help you.
Schools for engineering ratings are available
to those who qualify. You can find a list of all
schools and their requirements in the Catalog of
Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC), NAVED-
TRA 10500.
In this section we will describe the titles and
jobs of the various engineering ratings. The
engineering ratings are classified into two occupa-
tional fieldsmarine engineering and ship
The marine engineering occupational field
includes the Machinists Mate, Engineman,
Boiler Technician, Electricians Mate, Interior
Communications Electrician, Gas Turbine
Systems Technician (Electrical), and Gas Turbine
Systems Technician (Mechanical) ratings. In the
Machinists Mate (MM)
MACHINISTS MATES operate and main-
tain ship propulsion machinery, reduction gears,
condensers, and air ejectors. They are also
responsible for miscellaneous auxiliary equip-
ment. This includes pumps, air compressors,
turbine-driven generators, distilling units, valves,
oil purifiers, oil and water heaters, governors,
air-conditioners, refrigeration, propeller shafts,
potable water systems, and ships steering and
various other hydraulic systems.
Engineman (EN)
E N G I N E M E N work primarily with
reciprocating engines (diesel and gasoline). They
operate, maintain, and repair diesel propulsion
plants and diesel engines used for ships service
generators, and supporting auxiliary equipment.
Such equipment includes refrigeration and air-
conditioning systems, pumps, air compressors,
auxiliary boilers, distillers, and various kinds of
hydraulic equipment.
Boiler Technician (BT)
BOILER TECHNICIANS operate, maintain,
test, and repair marine boilers, heat exchangers,
pumps, and forced draft blowers. They also
transfer, test, and take soundings and inventory
of fuel and feedwater tanks.