porcelain, and a side electrode connected to theshell. The side electrode is adjusted so thatthere is a small space (gap) between it andthe center electrode. This gap varies dependingon the engine. When the plug fires, an electricspark jumps across the gap between theelectrodes.When the engine is running, the electriccurrent in the primary circuit flows from thebattery through the switch, the primary windingin the ignition coil, the breaker points, and thenback to the battery. The high voltage is producedin the secondary winding in the ignition coil, thenflows through the distributor to the individualspark plugs and back to the ignition coil throughthe engine frame. It is interesting to note that thehigh voltage that jumps the gap in the spark plugsdoes not come from the battery but is producedin the ignition coil.The ignition coil and the condenser are theonly parts of the ignition system that require anexplanation. The soft iron core and the primarywindings function as an electromagnet. Thecurrent flowing through the primary windingsmagnetizes the core. The same core and thesecondary windings function as a transformer.Variations in the primary current change themagnetism of the core, which in turn produceshigh voltage in the secondary windings.With the engine running and the breakerpoints closed, low-voltage current flows throughthe primary circuit. When the breaker pointsopen, this current is interrupted and produces highvoltage in the secondary circuit. The electricity,which would otherwise arc across the breakerpoints as they are separating, now flows into thecondenser.The principal purpose of the condenser is toprotect the breaker points from being burned.The condenser also aids in obtaining a hotterspark.The contact-point ignition system is an oldertype. The electronic ignition system is of the newertype. The basic difference between the contact-point and the electronic ignition systems is in theprimary circuit. The primary circuit in the contact-point system is opened and closed by contactpoints. In the electronic system, the primarycircuit is opened and closed by the electroniccontrol unit.The secondary circuits are practically the samefor the two systems. The difference is that thedistributor, ignition coil, and wiring are alteredto handle the higher voltage that the electronicignition system produces.One advantage of this higher voltage ofapproximately 47,000 volts is that spark plugs withwider gaps can be used. This results in a longerspark, which can ignite leaner fuel-air mixtures.As a result, engines can run on leaner mixturesfor better fuel economy and lower emissions.Another difference is that some electronicignition systems have no mechanical advancemechanisms—centrifugal or vacuum. Instead, thespark timing is adjusted electronically.The starting system of the gasoline engine isbasically the same as that of the diesel engine. Thegenerator keeps the battery charged and providesthe current to operate the lights and otherelectrical equipment. The starter motor drawscurrent from the battery and rotates the flywheeland crankshaft for starting.SUMMARYThis chapter was designed to give you a briefunderstanding of diesel and gasoline internal-combustion engines. You will find these engineson all ships in the Navy. It will be of great valueto you to learn more about them by reading thereferenced material given throughout this chapter.7-14
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