Figure 4-15.Example of a code converter process to encode and decode data.
in figure 4-15. When you depress the G on the
keyboard, it is encoded, processed, and decoded so a
G is displayed on the computers monitor.
circuits actually route data (the information being
processed) inside the computer from various sources to
various destinations. Examples in a computer include
adders and subtracters, command signals (enables),
comparators, demultiplexers, selectors, and translators.
A few of the uses areas follows:
Adder and subtracter circuits In their simplest
form, these circuits are capable of logical (AND, OR,
NOT) operations, addition, and subtraction.
Multiplication, division, and square root and the more
complicated calculations, such as hyperbolic and
trigonometric functions, require additional support
circuitry such as shift registers and holding registers.
Figure 4-16.Example of a full-adder circuit.