Mated Film Storage Read/Write CycleSimilar to core memory, mated film memory mustrestore data back into memory after it has been readfrom memory so it will not be lost.READ CYCLE. —To read a mated film memorycell, a current is generated along the word line and atransverse field is applied to the thin film cell. Therotation of the magnetic vector when it aligns with theword line, causes a current in the sense/digit line. Thisresulting current in the sense/digit line is read as abinary zero or one by the register at the end of thesense/digit line. This mechanism is graphically shownin frame A of figure 6-22.The mated film memory cell in frame B of figure6-22 is in the zero magnetic state. When the word fieldis applied, the magnetic polarization vector is rotated90° to the hard direction. The clockwise direction offlux change induces a small voltage generating currentin the sense/digit line as shown. The thin film in frameC of figure 6-22 is in the one state. The transverse fieldis applied by driving a pulse down the word line and thevector is forced in the hard direction, but now the fluxchange is counterclockwise. This flux change alSOinduces a small voltage generating current in thesense/digit line, but it is the opposite polarity of thesignal read from the film, thus storing a zero.Figure 6-22.—Reading a zero or a one: A. The mechanism; B. Zero state; C. One state.6-18
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